One year olds are busy exploring their world, gaining fine and gross motor skills, and learning that they can control their environment. So, how about toys for that 1 to 2 year old? Here are some of my very favorite developmentally appropriate toys for children 1 to 2 years:

A simple walk-push and/or ride-on toy

First step imagination toys – like the Fisher-Price tea set or the Counting Candles Birthday Cake

A cause-and-effect toy. My kids LOVED the Fisher-Price Roll-a-Rounds Drop and Roar … and all the fun balls that come with (and can buy more separately, of course!)

An activity cube or “coaster” – There are great ones on Amazon, but we also love this inexpensive one from Ikea.

Baby-safe instruments – The BeeBop Band … or even just pots, pans, spoons, and a empty water bottle filled with rice!

Jumbo Crayons (washable, of course). – No, they aren’t too young! Just watch to make sure they don’t eat (too much of) the crayons!

Jumbo Wooden Puzzles with handles/knobs

And, every kid’s gotta have a phone these days!